Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Today's conversation, brought to you by Justus, requires a bit of a set up (yes, more than normal).

I've talked about our great sitters before, right?  Well, sometimes they come with added benefits.  Sometimes, when our kids spend enough time with them, we get to meet their friends and/or boyfriends.  We all know how awesome our girls are, so you know the companions are generally pretty great too!

I mean, look at this.  Here's a picture from Justus' 5th birthday party.  Shanon and Meagan (and Delaney)--totally obligated to come.  Jonathan--not so much.  What a great guy!  And he even picked out the gift for Justus--a transformer Darth Vader which he absolutely LOVES...and points out regularly that it came from Jonathan...and Meagan.  Sorry Meagan.  I think it's a guy thing.

Shanon, Delaney, Jonathan and Meagan

...wait, what's that?  Jonathan hanging out in the background at Justus' 4th birthday party!

and if I had more time and energy, I'm prettty sure I could put my hands on a picture of him from Delaney's baptism.

Needless to say, we think Jonathan is fantastic and loved having him around when Meagan was with us.  Justus adores him, and he kindly complied with about a million requests for sword fights and dragon battles.   Alas, Jonathan and Meagan decided to grow up and be big kids in big cities and have gone on.  We haven't seen them in a few months (which makes us really sad...hint, hint).  So, I love it when Justus brings them up in conversation and this one struck me as funny.

The other day, Justus was talking about friends in his class at school, and he mentioned a Jonathan.  To date, I was not familiar with a Jonathan in his class, so I asked him "Who's Jonathan?"  He said "No mommy, not that Jonathan.  Jonathan in my class."  I said, "Justus, I don't know any Jonathan in your class, that's what I"m asking."  He wasn't convinced that I wasn't following the conversation:  "Not Meagan's boyfriend Jonathan, Mommy.  6-year-old Jonathan."  Not what I was thinking, but ok.

Then silence for a few seconds (him, apparently in deep thought).

He chuckles to himself, and says "Silly Mommy. Meagan's boyfriend, Jonathan, can't be in Friendship.  He's too big."

Good point, Justus.  If only Jonathan were a little smaller.... Forget the fact that he's 20-something and has two engineering degrees and doesn't even live here anymore.  It's his size that's the problem.  I can see that.

Justus and Jonathan at the Junior League Fun Run in February.

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