Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!


To all the dads out there, but especially to my DAD

 I am so lucky to have been given the opportunity to be raised by an amazing man, who has accomplished some pretty amazing feats in his life, not a small one of which was raising my brother and me.  At times, between losing his first wife and finding his second, he had to pull double duty of mother and father.  I can't even begin to imagine the challenges he faced during that time and so many others.  He is a phenomenal person on so many levels, and I am blessed to have shared my life with him.  I love you, Daddy, for the example you set, the confidence and work ethic you inspired, the independence you encouraged, the love you unconditionally provided, and so much more.  I am, no doubt, who I am because of you and I thank you for it (although not directly as often as I should).  The saying is true that good dads make great grandfathers.  The Royal kiddos adore their G-Daddy and wish you a wonderful Father's Day too!

And to my husband, who is my other favorite DAD---you are every bit the father I knew you would be before we began the adventure of having kids.  You amaze me daily in how fantastic you are with our kids, and I know they will learn so much from you as they grow.  I adore watching the way you interact with them, and the way they respond to the love you give.  Our kids are so fortunate to have you as a fine example of a father and husband.  Thank you for being my partner in this parenting business.  I am a lucky girl, indeed!  We love you!

Just a part of the Father's Day fun Mr. Royal got today from the Royal Munchkins.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet tribute! I love the photo at the end of the kids spelling out "dad"
