Thursday, December 22, 2011


We wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and
many blessings in 2012!!

**Thanks to Sarah Giles of Butterfly Chaser Photography for the pictures, and to Nichole Quick of Quick Design Company for the cards.  You ladies ROCK!**

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

I believe I've mentioned before about Justus' new interest in "why" questions.  Well, they persist.  And with some increased difficulty, I might add. 

Justus: Mommy, why do boys and girls get married?

Me:  Well, boys and girls get married when they love each other and want to stay together forever, and the Bible says..."

Justus:  Wait, Mommy, did you just say Jesus' mommy's name?

PAUSE....thinking over my statement....and Kidd and I both bust out laughing

Me:  No buddy, I said "married" not "Mary" but close.  And you said it too, remember?

I swear, he's like the dog on Up that is so easily distracted by a shiny object. 

On another note, the obliteration of Christmas song lyrics continues to amuse me daily.  I may play them all year just to continue to hear what he comes up with....

Monday, December 12, 2011

Party, Party, Party...some more

Even though her official birthday was last Tuesday, we hosted a 1st birthday party for this very special little lady this weekend so she could celebrate with friends and family!

We were all about the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  I had decided long ago that as much as I love a good princess party, and as much of a princess as Delaney can be, I wanted to do something different.  We love books in our house, and what better classic children's book is there than the Very Hungry Caterpillar?  Months ago, I saw a cute caterpillar cupcake cake (on Pinterest, of course) and thought it was a great party idea.  So, I ran with it.  I had more things planned in my head, but because of other impositions distractions equally important things (everyday life, work, holidays), I wasn't able to execute ALL of it.  Now that I think about it, that's probably for the best.  Otherwise, y'all would just think I'm completely nuts!  So, here it is:

I have to start with my favorite things, so thanks in advance for indulging my need to put dessert first.

The cake. 

We have the best baker--Tiffany!    People like her make me ever-thankful for the artsy people in my life who I can trust to "make it cute."  I just sent her the invite, and she works her magic.  The best part--her cakes taste amazing too!

And, the smash cake!  Awesome, right?

I made our very own caterpillar with pics of the birthday girl throughout the year.  I love how it turned out!  Of course, with all that cuteness, how could it be bad?!

We served the foods from the book.

Yeah, did I mention Tiffany does cookies too?  Those are cupcake shaped cookies for favors.  So. Perfect. 

Since both my kids have winter birthday, and this is Texas, we often struggle for activities for kids.  It's also the reason I prefer venue birthdays, but that's another post all together.   Really--it could have very easily been snowing or 80 degrees.  It is difficult for a mom to plan around that kind of weather possibility.  To be on the safe side, we had an arts and crafts table.  Looks like everyone enjoyed it.

I even caught G-Daddy doing some crafty business.

Everyone ate, visited, hung out.  Then, it was time to get into that cake.

I'm not sure how it happened, but Delaney doesn't seem to be too fond of cake.  Ultimately, she only wanted the green grassy icing.  If it weren't for her deep affection of all bread items and striking resemblance to her father, this rejection of cake would make me question whether she's really my child.  Either way, for her sake, I hope she continues to feel that way.

But, she sure did get after the green icing...

Then we were ready to open presents.  She had a lot of eager *helpers*  suggesting which to open next.  It was great, because frankly, she didn't care.  Present opening at kids parties is, without fail, one of the most entertaining things to see.  It is a crazy whirlwind of activity where the kids inch closer and closer and closer, until every single thing has been opened and then they all disappear to something else.  It can't be adequately explained, you must experience it.

She got so many wonderful things from everyone, and we are very appreciative of it all.  Among them, her very first Disney Princess item.  I know what this leads to....MORE and MORE Disney Princess paraphenalia.  Bring it! 

...a chair made just for her, by Grandpa.   Family tradition--Daddy and Justus have one too.

...and another family tradition:  G-Daddy's creadit card.  Wait.  What?!?!  I was at least 16 before I got him to give me a credit card.  He's getting soft in his senior years....that, or she's way cuter than I ever was.  Yep, that must be it.

Delaney says "Don't worry!  Darla will show me how to use it!!"

We had a great day and thank everyone, near and far, who sent well wishes and helped us celebrate sweet Delaney on her special day (yes, even Justus, despite the look on his face)!

Birthday week fun

Delaney's birthday was also the Weekday School's Christmas Program.  I missed it last year because it was the day Delaney and I came home from the hospital.  I was very glad to attend this year.  So, we postponed our birthday celebration a bit to watch big brother in his program. 

 Delaney and Daddy wait for the big event.

 Justus walking down the aisle with all his friends.  See all the parent paparazzi behind him?  It is so funny to me that we all pull out every piece of recording/photography equipment we have for these precious moments.  I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking I will do something fabulous with them some day to memorialize the moment.....and then they sit...and sit...and sit.  But still, we have them recorded for when we do get to it.

 Aren't they so cute?  The 2-3 year olds sing a few songs, and then the 4-5 year olds sing a few songs and we're done.  8 songs total in about 15 minutes.  There is laughing, crying, singing, playing, sitting, standing, jumping, turning around...  You name it, it happens on that stage.  Hi-larious and precious all at the same time.

Then we went home with some Chick Fil A (cuz that's what we do when Mommy didn't put anything in the crock pot and we get home late from evening activities), and a little cake for the birthday girl.

 She had more fun feeding Daddy than she did eating it herself.

 Then, she was off to tackle the present...that was bigger than she is.  At least the bag, anyway.

 Can you see it in her face?  She's mentally telling Justus "You may have picked this out for me, but you stay away.  It's mine."

He's no dummy--he just waits until she's occupied with something else.  Like a sack.

 Oh, and this came. It's the note from daycare that they are moving her out of the infant room into the 12-18 month old room. I'm pretty sure that's the final straw in "she's not a little baby anymore." Uugh! We will miss her Bunnies teachers, but know she will love the Ducks.  They do all kinds of fun stuff!

It was a great day for our special girl and we had so much fun celebrating with her and going to Justus' Christmas program that he worked so hard to learn 5 Christmas songs for!

But it's been a long day, and I think Eezer has the right idea.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday's Winning Words

On the way to church Sunday, Justus said "Look mommy, no peas"  (or at least that's what I thought he said).  I turned around to see what he was talking about, and saw him pointing outside to this sign:

R8-3A No Parking Symbol Signs - 12x12
That's right, son.  P's are banned in this area, please (oops, busted!) use only the other 25 letters of the alphabet.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One year of wonderful- Open Letter to Delaney


One year ago, my life and my world dramatically improved.  I have frequently heard people doubting the addition of a child to their family because they didn't know if they could love another one as much as their first.  I always knew we wanted two children so I guess we were just willing to risk it. Clearly, we were, because we went through a lot to get you!  I was thrilled when we found out it would be a girl joining our clan.  But, I had no idea what was in store for my heart.  It had to be filled to capacity the day you were born because the love in my heart for you is every bit as all-consuming as what I feel for your brother.  You are one amazing little girl!  There's no other way to put it.

I have said it to so many people--for some reason the first year with you has been so much faster that Justus' first year.  I guess with him, everything was new.  Sleepless nights, baby sickness, exciting new milestones, etc.  With you, I feel like I blinked and the year disappeared.  I am afraid that you were somehow short-changed in it because although everything was new to you, we feel slightly more experienced in dealing with some things (wouldn't exactly call us pros though).  I admit, your high fevers are definitely new territory, so anytime you want to stop doing that, I would greatly appreciate it.  Mmkay, thanks.  I have loved watching you grow and learn and do things at your own pace, but because you are my "lovey" baby, I am a teensy bit sad about you growing up so fast.  You are definitely my snuggler, and I LOVE it.  At the same time, we are having some full-nite sleeping/self soothing back to sleep/general independence issues as a result, but I will try to not complain so much as I know this is the trade off for all the free lovin' I get from you.  Maybe it is just because you are my last baby, and as you outgrow certain habits or items, they will never again make an appearance in our home.  This draws a mixed bag of cheers and tears.

You had us a little scared when you were born with your little ear. Mostly because we had a few days of uncertainty and we were worried that one little ear may only be a sign of bigger problems.  Well, we also had that really bad audiology tech who gravely lacked professional judgment, but that's no longer of consequence.  Remind us, and one day we'll tell you about ol' Shiloh.  However, you have since been poked, prodded, and tested more than any small child deserves by the very best doctors around, in an effort to rule out any related (or unrelated) issues.  I'm  happy to say, you are as healthy as a horse and really, the little ear is the only issue we have left to deal with.  I have learned more about ears over the last year than I ever thought I would or cared to, for that matter.  But, I hope that our new found knowledge helps us help you.  You hear perfectly well, and quickly mastered rolling onto your good ear to sleep to block out noise.  Smart girl!  You hear, but ignore me at all the right times--yes, I know that's what you are doing.  And you usually turn when someone calls your name....if you aren't too busy doing something else.  We have a lot of doctors' visits in your future, related to your ear (because one day, they are going to build you a brand new one!), but we will take each one as they come and you will do just as great as you have so far.  I don't look forward to the time you first become aware that you have a difference, and I loathe to think what other kids will say to you, but when that time comes, we will find the words and will be your biggest supporters.  Our hope is that you are never defined by your limitations (if there even are any), but that you recognize them and use them to make you stronger. 

You have the most beautiful curly, crazy hair!  The very first thing Dr. Smith said when you were born was "Look at all that hair!"  I will always make sure you have curly hair experts in your life (Aunt Kristin and Aunt Amber) to help you manage it better than I could on my own.  Maybe, as it grows out, it will become more manageable (here's hoping).  I love that you have so much hair.  Even when you were just a month or two old, we had moms of one year olds looking at you with envy because of all your gorgeous dark hair.  It's been a treat, no doubt.

You were petite when you were born, and continue to be so, but you are finally fitting into clothes that are approximately the "right" size for your age.  You are a good eater, so maybe table food has helped with that.  Now, only if more teeth would come in to help you mash up that yummy business.  The two on the bottom do just fine, and your top two are peeking through, but no sign of anything else.  The way you light up at seeing your brother, the laughter he can solicit from you, and the way you lay your head on him warm my heart in a way that nothing else in the world can.  You have a ton of toys, and occasionally, you play with them.  But, at the end of the day, you want nothing more than to be with Mommy, Daddy, and especially Justus.  In just the past couple of weeks, you have really taken a liking to your mink bear and the tiny bottle of Mustela baby wash.  I have no idea why, but you love them!  Well, the mink bear thing, I get.  I'm fairly certain that Justus (or some variation of it) will be your first word.  He loves you just as much and I love watching the most important things in my life all wrapped up in to one moment every time you two play.  It does a Mommy's heart good, so keep it up.  I know the time will come when you fight like cats and dogs, but please, just make this part last a little longer!

Angel, I don't know what else to tell you, other than I love you more than words can describe and I am thankful for you every moment of every day.  I miss you terribly when we are apart, but that sweet smile I get when I see you again lights up my life and has the uncanny ability to make even the worst day turn to a faded memory in no time flat.  As your personality develops, I see a strong little lady in front of me, and I couldn't be more proud.  I am honored to have been chosen to be your Mommy and hope that Daddy and I raise you to be a happy, loving and kind woman of integrity and faith.

Happy 1st Birthday, Delaney Grace.  Thanks for letting us share the journey with you!

Contrary to my normal persona, I wasn't organized enough to get "month-old" pictures in the same place with the same stuffed animal every month.  So, here's a candids recap of the year of Delaney.  Isn't she just precious??  Can't help myself.

 1 month

 2 months

 3 months

 4 months

 5 months

 6 months

 7 months

 8 months

 9 months

 10 months

 11 months