Monday, September 2, 2013

Change is GOOD....isn't it?

Well, friends, I have some news: The Royals are making a change.  A BIG change!  I have accepted a new position and the family is moving to South Texas.  I will tell you that although this has been brewing for awhile, I am still struggling with it a bit (if we're being completely honest).  It was not planned, but one thing led to another and the next thing we know, we are changing everything about our lives.  I am beyond excited about this new opportunity to expand my professional experience.  See, one of my clients hired me!  Talk about a compliment!!  But, I was hired to do something other than be a lawyer.  I may not be the best lawyer I know, but it is what I know.  No worries.  It's not like it's 10 years down the drain.  My legal training and specialty area will serve me very well in my new position, and is in fact, what makes this such a great fit.  There have been so many tears and prayers as we have come to this decision and I will undoubtedly cry every single day until (and probably even a lot after) I am there because our life here as been enormously rich with amazing friends, co-workers, neighbors, schools, and activities.  We will miss our College Station life so very much.  When Kidd and I moved back here in 2003, we never intended to stay.  Everything just fell into place for us, but even then I was hesitant about being a late 20's/early 30's adult living in my college town.  Almost everyone we knew here before had left.  Life would definitely be different.  I joined the local Junior League (which is, regrettably, not available in our new location), we got involved in church, and we've made such a wonderful life here.  Our kids were born here, baptized here, schooled here, loved here.  It will always be a special place for us, and for an entirely different reason than  because I'm an Aggie.  This truly is a great community in which to live and raise a family. 
As I mentioned, we didn't have kids last time we relocated.  If you haven't had to do it, let me just tell you that even though ours are very young, the idea of taking them from everything they've ever known is heart-wrenching.  People keep telling me they will adjust, and I have every confidence they will.  It's just different when your professional aspirations potentially impact little lives in a way you had never even considered.  Always at the forefront of my mind is "Am I screwing them up by doing this?"  I know military people do it every few years, but I am not military so I am not used to it.  It's HARD!  Having said that, if you happen to see my kids, particularly Justus, please speak highly of moving and our new adventure.  He has moments of excitement, but the realization of leaving his friends, school, activities, babysitters, etc. is starting to hit home for him.  Also, our tentative plan is that I will move to start on October 1st, but because of potential daycare wait lists and the fact that Justus just started a new school year here, we intend to hold off on the rest of the family relocating until Christmas Break.  If we manage to stick with that plan, it will be an incredibly difficult few months for our family.  Please send up all the prayers you can manage for us.  We would definitely appreciate it!!
So, new job--Check.  New town--Check. New friends--Sort of a check because I know some people.  New house--no check yet.  New schools--no check yet.  New doctors--no check see where my anxiety has begun to set in about this whole thing....
Although I have no doubt that everything will fall into place again and that this will be a great adventure for us, I still have such mixed emotions about it.  I kind of wish I was a guy--Kidd is not at all as emotional about this as I am.  I so much as look at a friend these days and I start crying.  God help me when we take the kids to their doctor for the last time, or to school.  Ugh, and now I'm crying again!  This is going to be a problem.  It should be him going in October to allow me until December to be here a little longer...  Stay tuned--I'm sure there will be much to write about along the way and during this transition period!


  1. Congratulations on your new job! Sending lots of support and prayers your way for an easy transition!

  2. Congratulations! Your post brought back memories of our move 4 years ago. I wish you all the best!!
