Friday, July 5, 2013

Us lately...

Just to bring you up to speed...

I've been traveling for work for the last three weeks (see post on Philadelphia).  So, things have been hectic and I've been a terrible blogger.  But, what else is new?!

This is me. 
We no longer own this home.  We are having mixed emotions about it.  It was a great home with great neighbors, but we were ready for something that was more suited to our needs.  We bought a lot a year ago with big plans to sell this home, and rent while we built a new home.  We are just at a different place than we were a year ago, but we still executed the least as to the selling and renting part.  How could we not?  It's such a seller's market right now. 
Stay tuned for details on the rest. 

Justus tested for his next belt level.
 ..and got it!  A new Tiger Yellow Belt.

 This one had a 4th of July Parade at her school.  Last year she cried, so this was an improvement.  But, there were no smiles...

4th of July!!  Happy Birthday, America!  The kids were, at various points in the day, all decked out in red, white, and blue, but of course I didn't get pictures of that.  I did get, what they would tell you was the best part of the day.  Pool pics!!

 Lunch time!
I didn't get any good ones of J in the pool.  He had on his snorkle gear and his face was always in the water.  I couldn't help post this sweet happy face though.  They wore themselves out!!

We are adjusting to the rent house and look forward to what the rest of the summer holds for us.  We are sure it will be quite an adventure, especially if June was any indication...  We hope everyone is having a great summer too!

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