Thursday, June 6, 2013

Baby D: Version 2.5

Guess who is officially two AND A HALF today??  That's right, this kid (except that this picture is from about a month ago):

So, that means an update!!

Not sure on her weight and height status because (shockingly) she has been well and not to the doctor in quite some time.  Yes, I realize I just jinxed us....which is kind of funny since I am about to leave town and Kidd will be single parenting off and on for the next three weeks.  hahaha.  She does wear a size 2 for the most part and a size 6/7 in shoes.

She definitely loves being silly, and I think that just maybe she will develop a bit of a snarky attitude.  Can't imagine from whom she might get that.  She's a bit of a practical much as a two year old can be.  If you ask her a question, she will sometimes deliberately give you the wrong answer just to see what you do.  I may have said it a time or two--we are definitely in trouble with this one... We were discussing this morning that she has started speaking much more quietly with us (and with a bit of a whine), and Kidd pointed out that it's because she's learning to manipulate us.  She's starting to understand that if you speak quietly, people are forced to stop and listen to you.  Whereas, if you speak loudly, asking for what you want, often you are just told to be quiet.  I'm not sure if her reasoning skills are quite that advanced, but she is observant so I'm not willing to put it past her just yet.

Bat Girl

Wearing Daddy's shirt

This girl still LOVES her shoes.  She has started having a pretty intense opinion on which shoes she wears every day.  I'm not above selecting a whole different outfit for the day if the one I pre-selected does not match the shoes she is committed to wearing on a particular day.

 Thankfully, she's not into mismatched shoes...yet.  This was just her trying on new tennis shoes.
She loves her red sparkly Toms.

Her sunglasses are her favorite accessory, and she seems unphased by the fact that don't really sit on her left ear very well.  We re-adjust as needed and keep on truckin'.
She has become kind of a picky eater.  She will try most foods, but then after the initial taste, we get "I no like it..." and then the spitting out of the food.  Now, when she does like something, she will eat and eat and eat.  Her favorite things right now are NutriGrain bars (Justus went through a love affair with these as well), fruit snacks, cheese, chips and salsa, blueberries and broccoli.  She will eat peas and green beans, mandarin oranges (almost every day), some meat and any bread...  I'm just glad she is at least willing to try stuff.  Justus didn't even do that very much.

She is working on the potty training.  And by "working," I mean doing it when she feels like it and teasing us when she doesn't.  She has days (and even some nights) with no accidents, and then there are days like yesterday, where she had 5 accidents at school and 1 at home.  I'm certain we will get there, but it is a battle in the meantime.  She's fully capable, but often lazy or disinterested.  We aren't forcing it.  Right now.  I am tired of doing laundry every day though...

Her vocabulary has just blossomed and she has the best things to say sometimes.  Lately, when she asks for something and we tell her "No" (I assure you, it's not often), she says "Awwww, Man!" just like her brother.  Cracks me up.  She is quick to voice her opinion and loves to sing, sing sing.  Jingle Bells is still her favorite song, so it's Christmas all year in the Royal household thanks to this one.  Every night at bedtime, we go through ABC's, RockABye Baby, Jesus Loves Me, and a few others.  She's definitely a creature of habit.  She is loud and silly and playful at home, but still acts quite shy and reserved in public.  If you know me, you know I don't really understand this.  Kidd totally gets it and says it's normal.  I trust him.  It actually works out well because we get the kindest compliments on how sweet she is.  I get to smile and thank people, while thinking "Yeah, that's because she doesn't know you that well...Stick around awhile."

She still doesn't play with a lot of toys, but her favorites are her princess dress up shoes and all her dress up necklaces, etc.  She loves pushing her baby around in a stroller, playing in her tents, and playing with her Calico Critters Bunnies.  She also has a great time playing "shopping" with her Minnie Mouse grocery cart and groceries.  Her Minnie Mouse phone is always nearby too.  Now that I think about it, she does have a bit of a Minnie Mouse obsession.

Ultimately, her favorite play thing is still this guy.  Best. Friends.  I can't get over what a good big brother he is to her and how helpful he is when it comes to getting her to do things.  She adores him and loves to play in his room with him.  I think she would follow him to the ends of the Earth as long as it meant she got to spend time with him.  She still calls him "my Justus" and he absolutely is!

There's so much about this little girl to share, but I think that's good for now.  She will be 3 before we know it and I'll be doing another update.  I can't believe how fast she's growing and what an interesting (and entertaining) little lady she's becoming.  Her independence may be the death of me, but I wouldn't want it any other way for this one.

Happy 2.5, Delaney Grace!  We love you more than you will ever know.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, that last photo got me all choked up! Beautiful kids. xo
