Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: Picket Fence

Picket Fence Teeth, that is.
That's right, the FIRST TOOTH!

Justus was so excited, and has been talking for days about this first tooth coming out.  It's been loose for some time.  The one right next to it is loose too, but that's only almost as exciting.  This morning (since I was gone last night), he tells me The Story of How it Happened.
Justus:  Mommy, I was at lunch and was eating my orange skin...
Me:  Wait, why were you eating the orange skin?  You know that's not to eat.
J:  Well, because I wanted my tooth to come out.
M:  Oh, ok.  So you've just been going around chewing on hard things the past couple of days in effort to get that tooth out {reflecting on the fact that I noticed he packed a fruit roll up for his snack on Monday}?
J:  Uh huh.  THEN, when it came out, I went to the nurses office and she put it in a special case, and took my picture for the tooth wall, and was really excited for me too! (Kudos to the school for making a big deal over lost teeth!)
It was precious how excited he was.  So, the picket fence teeth begin in the Royal household and we have one very excited little boy.  Thanks for the input on Tooth Fairy's current payout, Facebook friends!  Some of you have a VERY generous Tooth Fairy.  We settled on a note from the tooth fairy, sugar free chewing gum, and $5.  First tooth only, the rest will each earn $1 gold coin.

*  For those that can't see the picture enlarged, the note from the tooth fairy says:
"While you were sleeping, I came in the night.
Under your pillow was a marvelous sight.
Your very first tooth had come unstuck.
Keep it forever, it will bring you good luck."
Thank you, Pinterest.


  1. So cute! Cole literally LOST his first tooth and was so upset until we told him the TF pays double. He got $7. I think the TF lost count in the middle of the night... :) But it will be $3.50 from now on. Cute pillow! Happy almost birthday to Delaney!

    1. Smart thinking, Lindsay! Justus was VERY concerned about that happening. We had told him the same thing, just in case. He's pretty pumped that the TF is allowing him to keep his tooth.:-) Thanks for D's b-day wishes. I can't believe it's already here. Tate too, almost. Time is flying too fast. I couldn't believe we've been out long enough for a 10 year reunion. How did that happen???
