Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Round-Up

Wow!  What a wonderful Thanksgiving week we had.  I say week because although the actual day was awesome itself, we had several different events on different days that were just as special to us!  We had a Kindergarten Program on Tuesday with Justus, where he and his friends sang several songs about giving thanks that just melted my heart.  I have a video of one of the songs, but the quality is not good.  Similarly, my "good" camera and I are having a fight, so I only have a picture or two that came out.  You can spot him smack dab in the middle of the first one, looking at me.  I like the second one because it gets most of his class on the right side of the pic.  He's in the third row from the top, 4th from the right.    It was really, really adorable to see him participating in this.  The day before this event, the Kindergarterners went to a local senior living community and put on the same program.  He had a blast doing that!

Then, on Wednesday, we scooted over to Delaney's daycare, which hosted a fabulous Thanksgiving Feast where we all brought sides and desserts while they provided the turkey, dressing, and gravy.  In the words of Rachel Ray--Yum-O!!  I did NOT want to go back to work after that.  Technically, I didn't have to (we were given a noon release for those leaving town), but there was still work to be done so I did (see--I'm being a good steward of your tax dollars, Texas residents.  You're welcome!).  I only managed to get this one shot of Delaney and Kidd before the feast began, but there was plenty of entertainment.  I was just already shoveling it in by then.  The two oldest classes sang a few songs and told us what they were thankful for.  Sooo sweet!

That evening, we headed to SA to see my family, which was great, as always.  This is us after lunch.  Everybody smiling.  Except Kidd and Delaney.  Have I mentioned that she is his child, in EVERY way?!

It shouldn't be this way, but I'm pretty sure this is the second consecutive year this type of picture has been able to be taken.  Swimming.  On Thanksgiving Day.  This is not right (but was still kind of awesome).

Delaney and Darla had fun with sparkly shoes.  This is not surprising.  There will be more of this in Delaney's future, I have no doubt.  If she could only see and appreciate Darla's closet--it's like Mecca to shoe lovers.

Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch with Kidd's family.  Apparently, I was so busy eating, taking pictures never even crossed my mind.  Sorry (and yet, not altogether surprising)!  That night, we had a few friends over to watch the Aggies snap their 3-game losing streak to Mizzou, while Johnny Football made his last argument for the Heisman.  Again--fabulous!  For some, there was something more entertaining than the game, though.  Delaney had all kinds of fun with Ms. Tish, Ms. Glenda, and Ms. Sheila, while Justus and Tish's son, Carlos, ran off and played all evening.

 Sunday was an uneventful, yet productive day.  We I got up in the attic and got down the Christmas decorations and put them out.  The only thing left is the tree, which will require Kidd's assistance.  He is not thrilled about this, so I must approach the issue at a time likely to result in a favorable response.  I'm thinking after he's had a couple of drinks.  Don't worry--I'm still the one getting up in the attic.  I just need someone to wait at the bottom for falling tree parts.  Our house lights are going up today (thanks to professional assistance)!  We even went to Toys R Us yesterday and let the kids create a wish list.  I know it's very commercial, but grandparents and other people LOVE having a list to choose from when they don't know what your kids want.  Plus, they both have birthdays right around Christmas, so it's all there.  Don't judge--it's a fantastic idea. I think we should all be able to create registries at our favorite stores...and more than just for wedding and baby showers.  I just wish they had it at Target because I kind of hate our local TRU.  Shhhh, don't tell the kids. 

Work is so busy right now, and is about to get even crazier, so there are no words to express how thankful I am for such a wonderful long weekend to reflect on the many blessings I have been given.  I hope that you and yours had as great of a time, and may that warm heart feeling carry you through this very busy holiday season.  CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!

**This post has already been too long, so I will do a separate one for the rest of what I want to share with you.  Just a hint--Sarah Giles, of Butterfly Chaser Photography, has been busy with our kiddos and you know what that means--gorgeous PICTURES that I can't help but share...even at the risk of ruining Christmas cards for some**

1 comment:

  1. What a great recap! I know you had a great time with Darla, G-Daddy, and family. We miss you tons. I love reading about what the Royal family has been up to so I can catch up, since we're all running around like crazy most of the time.
