Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

This one?  An attitude?  Never.

I assure you she has more sass in her left pinky finger than most grown ups I know have at all.  So, what does all this mean right now?

We are there-- That frustrating part of toddlerhood where a certain somebody has so much to say, but not enough words to say it.  Instead, we get tears and grunting and pointing.  LOTS of tears and grunting and pointing.  She's also exerting her *authority* by taking things away or not giving them back when requested.  She doesn't say "no," but there is no doubt when she's thinking it.

At this point, any words would be winning words because she wouldn't be so frustrated at trying to express herself.  Although I may regret it later, please pray that this little one finds her words quickly...but just the sweet ones.  K, thanks!  It would be best for everyone's sanity.

She has found one way to get what she wants:  Sit on them until they cave!

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