Monday, December 12, 2011

Party, Party, Party...some more

Even though her official birthday was last Tuesday, we hosted a 1st birthday party for this very special little lady this weekend so she could celebrate with friends and family!

We were all about the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  I had decided long ago that as much as I love a good princess party, and as much of a princess as Delaney can be, I wanted to do something different.  We love books in our house, and what better classic children's book is there than the Very Hungry Caterpillar?  Months ago, I saw a cute caterpillar cupcake cake (on Pinterest, of course) and thought it was a great party idea.  So, I ran with it.  I had more things planned in my head, but because of other impositions distractions equally important things (everyday life, work, holidays), I wasn't able to execute ALL of it.  Now that I think about it, that's probably for the best.  Otherwise, y'all would just think I'm completely nuts!  So, here it is:

I have to start with my favorite things, so thanks in advance for indulging my need to put dessert first.

The cake. 

We have the best baker--Tiffany!    People like her make me ever-thankful for the artsy people in my life who I can trust to "make it cute."  I just sent her the invite, and she works her magic.  The best part--her cakes taste amazing too!

And, the smash cake!  Awesome, right?

I made our very own caterpillar with pics of the birthday girl throughout the year.  I love how it turned out!  Of course, with all that cuteness, how could it be bad?!

We served the foods from the book.

Yeah, did I mention Tiffany does cookies too?  Those are cupcake shaped cookies for favors.  So. Perfect. 

Since both my kids have winter birthday, and this is Texas, we often struggle for activities for kids.  It's also the reason I prefer venue birthdays, but that's another post all together.   Really--it could have very easily been snowing or 80 degrees.  It is difficult for a mom to plan around that kind of weather possibility.  To be on the safe side, we had an arts and crafts table.  Looks like everyone enjoyed it.

I even caught G-Daddy doing some crafty business.

Everyone ate, visited, hung out.  Then, it was time to get into that cake.

I'm not sure how it happened, but Delaney doesn't seem to be too fond of cake.  Ultimately, she only wanted the green grassy icing.  If it weren't for her deep affection of all bread items and striking resemblance to her father, this rejection of cake would make me question whether she's really my child.  Either way, for her sake, I hope she continues to feel that way.

But, she sure did get after the green icing...

Then we were ready to open presents.  She had a lot of eager *helpers*  suggesting which to open next.  It was great, because frankly, she didn't care.  Present opening at kids parties is, without fail, one of the most entertaining things to see.  It is a crazy whirlwind of activity where the kids inch closer and closer and closer, until every single thing has been opened and then they all disappear to something else.  It can't be adequately explained, you must experience it.

She got so many wonderful things from everyone, and we are very appreciative of it all.  Among them, her very first Disney Princess item.  I know what this leads to....MORE and MORE Disney Princess paraphenalia.  Bring it! 

...a chair made just for her, by Grandpa.   Family tradition--Daddy and Justus have one too.

...and another family tradition:  G-Daddy's creadit card.  Wait.  What?!?!  I was at least 16 before I got him to give me a credit card.  He's getting soft in his senior years....that, or she's way cuter than I ever was.  Yep, that must be it.

Delaney says "Don't worry!  Darla will show me how to use it!!"

We had a great day and thank everyone, near and far, who sent well wishes and helped us celebrate sweet Delaney on her special day (yes, even Justus, despite the look on his face)!

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