Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: Relocation Edition

As you know by now, we are moving.  So, we have spent quite a bit of time trying to prep the kids for it, even though they aren't really going permanently for a few more months.  Justus has his days--sometimes there are tears and sometimes there are cheers.  We're working on getting him excited about it.  Lately, he's asked a lot about the school mascot and sports teams.  When I went last week, he asked me to pick him up a few things because,

"I'm excited about becoming a Hyena, mommy!!"

He LOVED his hat and pennant, but I just need him to remember they are the Javelinas, not the Hyenas (they sound the same to a 6 year old).  I'm giving him a break.  He's only known the Aggies and Tigers until now. 
And, as for Delaney....she thinks we are moving to "KingsBell."  It's really precious to hear her say it.  I've corrected her once or twice, but not too much because I love the way she says it.

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