Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday's Winning Words: The cure for temper tantrums

I am not even kidding, y'all, I have found. the. cure.  I have a guaranteed method for bringing 2 year olds and 6 year olds alike, out of a full-blown, mid-scream, tears-down-the-face, I-hate-the-world-when-I-don't-get-my-way temper tantrum.  It's 5 simple words:  "What does the fox say?"

I don't know if you have heard that song, What Does the Fox Say?  but if you have not, you MUST immediately drop everything and check it out.  If you have small children, have them watch with you.  It is awesomely bad to adults, but once a kid hears it, it is kryptonite to the common temper tantrum.  Now, to be truly effective mid-hissy fit, you must say it loudly, in the rhythm of the "music" and then be prepared to say what the band says the fox might say (or some variation thereof).  Because, well, that's the best part to a child.  Silly dancing helps too, but that should come as no surprise.

You are welcome.

If, by chance, you are as enraptured by this Swedish group and want to hear more, like a certain part-Swedish person I know and happened to be married to, a great deal of entertainment (although NOT for kids) was derived from Meaning of Stonehenge.

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