Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

I'm learning that I completely stink at blogging when traveling. This time I don't even have a laptop so I'm relegated to writing this post from my phone. sorry if it doesn't look pretty! I feel so behind-the-times.

Speaking of a bit of a time warp, I've decided to use today's post to re-cap the phrases or that I used as a kid, that Justus has been saying a lot lately.

"That is so cool!"

"Awesome!" Granted, I still use this pretty regularly- both in earnest and with sarcasm from time to time.

"My bad" when he does some thing wrong. Haven't heard this in years, so I'm not sure where he got it from, but it kind of freaks me out a little.

"Wicked". Ok, so I never actually used this one to describe something, but I remember making fun of East Coast people for saying it. Kidd taught him that. His favorite use is to call something "wicked fast."

Crazy kid! I love hearing him use colloquialisms, but it's kinda making me feel old!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Road Trip for a Little Baby Love

My brother's family had a wonderful new arrival last week, so we traveled to Schertz to meet sweet Mr. Ainsley and see the whole family.  We had a great time getting to meet this sweet little angel, and I got my baby fix.

Introducing Ainsley Wheeler Barger
Isn't he precious?
Super proud big brother Adrian. 
Other big brother, Anthony, was already off and playing with Justus.

Sweet baby face.

LOVE me some tiny baby feet!

Kidd and I getting some baby love

As for the car ride, we know we are very lucky--this was pretty much how they were most of the trip there and back:

Justus gets a little excited and loud with his stories and imaginitive play, but as long as Sleeping Beauty there continues to rest, all is well.  But, we did have to have a jam session at one point...An Adele song came on and Justus started asking for a particular song--one I did not know.  Between what he was telling me and me texting with Shanon (because he hears the song in her car, he says), I figured out the song I needed to download and play immediately to satisfy him...and his need to jam.  And now I know a new Adele song (which is awesome, of course), AND have I blackmail video of my son.  Talk about a win-win!

All in all a great day, and I'm so happy to be an aunt again!!

Congratulations to the Bargers!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Missing Mystic

This picture of Harrison Hall was borrowed from

I've been trying to write this post for weeks, and just haven't been able to do it the justice I believe it so deserves.  It seems, not surprisingly, that I'm not able to concisely capture the value that Camp Mystic has had in my life, which I think merits sharing because of the catharsis of doing so for me and for the benefit of others who are thinking of sending their kids to camp but just aren't sure about it yet.  I could never describe all the activities, traditions, or special people because it would be an endless discussion and it's one of those "from the outside looking in, you can't understand it.  From the inside looking out, you can't explain it." kind of experiences.  To describe them would never be as meaningful (although, probably still entertaining) to a reader who hasn't experienced it.  The fact of the matter is that every June for the rest of my life, pieces of my heart and mind will retreat back to the Texas Hill Country in an attempt to relive what are undoubtedly some of the best times of my young life.  To try to succinctly capture that through a blog post would be Mission: Impossible.  So, I'm going to outright ask my Mystic friends who happen to read this post (if there are any doing so), comment below with your favorite Mystic memory or what you love most about Mystic.  It can include me or not, be a tradition or a specific incident.  I just want to hear it.  And if you didn't go to Mystic, but did attend summer camp, share a memory too.

I was inspired to write this post because, well, it's that time of year, and also because I have had people lately ask me about summer camp and Mystic as they struggle with the decision to send their little ones.  This is not a struggle I share, because my kids are going to camp whether they like it or least the first year.  After that, it's up to them.  Justus is excited about the idea of camp and he's still two summers away.  Delaney may not know what camp is, but I have until 2019 to work on her.

Simply put Mystic was heaven on Earth for me.  It's where magic happened.  Girls developed into young ladies, good Christians, fast friends, dancing partners, fierce competitors, pranksters, group leaders, athletes, role models for younger campers, and so much more.  The root of everything Mystic is about is wrapped up in three simple ideals: 

Be a better person for being here
Let Mystic bring out the best in you
Grow spiritually

I can say with confidence that I lived these three ideals every summer, whether I realized it at the time or not.

To get to Mystic, you drive down this wonderful long, windy, shaded road passing many other camps along the way (which really only builds anticipation, I learned over the years).  It was on this stretch of road, that I could literally feel, as we got closer to camp, the slow evaporation of the stressors of my ordinary life, including the just-ended school year, boys, friends, parents, whatever.  When you enter the gates of Camp Mystic, it's like all the cares and concerns of the world stay on the outside while you go in to a whole new place.  It's a world of no phones, no television, no computers, no boys, no makeup, no societal pressures, heck, hardly any radio (thank goodness for our Walkmans and "Jamboxes"(yes, it was the 80s when I started).  It was a clean slate and fresh start every year, even better than the first day of school because it had been almost a year since I had last seen all these wonderful girls I knew.  Everyone grew and looked different, had new skills and sometimes new attitudes.  Particularly as we got to middle school age, it was amazing to see the transformation of some girls over the year that we were apart.  Girls came from all over the place, but Houston and Dallas were the most popular hometowns.  Being a San Antonio girl, I was definitely in the minority. 

One of the most comforting things about camp is the tradition, or routine.  Even after I stopped attending, I would know exactly what was going on at camp, and probably even what they would be eating for lunch, just by knowing what day it was (with one major exception-CC Day!).  This actually proved to be a source of great heartache in those first few years after, as it made me miss it even more.  Having said that, there's also a great comfort in knowing that when Delaney attends, she and I will be able to share in many of the things that never change at camp.  It is a benefit to young campers or campers who are still a little unsteady in their first few years because the familiarity helps to diminish homesickness.  I admit, I don't ever recall being homesick.  Not once (and we were there for 4-5 weeks!).

While at camp, a girl has the opportunity to do a ton of different activities, learn new skills, and improve upon old ones.  For me, it was the time of year I got to ride horses. I started riding at home when I was very young, but stopped for some reason, so camp was the only place I got to ride.  We swam in the Guadalupe River, did organized dance routines, sang in chorus, did arts and crafts, played tennis, basketball, soccer, kickball, learned archery, tumbling....the list goes on and on.  Some activities were designated by skill level (which provided a goal for future summers--to be in "advanced" fill-in-activity-here).  Some were opportunities to not be so competitive when there was plenty of that already going on (arts & crafts, beauty inside and out, campcraft), and as we got older, we even got a "free period" (i.e.-NAP time!).  We were on competing teams ("tribes") where we learned secrets of our tribe, cheers, and developed leadership skills.  We recognized outstanding young ladies at camp for the fine example they set for other campers--within the tribe, within our cabins, and even at the dinner table.  A lot of time was spent praising girls for doing good. 

Healthy competition was one of the greatest lessons I learned at camp.  Because of our competitive tribes, I experienced winning and losing, making the cut for a team and not, pushing myself until I was physically and emotionally spent (hello, War Canoe); and I learned how to do all of those things with grace.  Because at the end of the day, someone else in your cabin was on the other side of that line and you still had to face each other.  For the sake of everyone's feelings, we learned grace and respect in the wake of our many successes and failures.

At Mystic, I learned songs in the dining hall, on the waterfront, and up on Chapel Hill that I sing now with my kids (but I'd still like a Mystic songbook if anyone has one.  HINT HINT!).  I learned games on rainy days that I now play with my kids.  I picked up skills that I use every day.  I regularly meet people who know someone who went to Mystic--it happens more often than I would have ever thought.  I love driving in Houston and seeing a suburban with a Camp Mystic bumper sticker.  I know about schools, events, and places all over the state because of the people I met at camp.  It has been a wonderful connection for me with so many people, and obviously, and easy topic of conversation.  As I got older, I realized that, at least within the state of Texas, there was a reputation that came with being a Mystic Girl.  Fortunately, it was a good reputation--one of a well-rounded young lady of strong values and character.  For that, I am honored to be associated with Mystic.

We may have parted ways in 1996, but I will be forever grateful for the many summers I spent there.  I am certain my sanity remained intact because of the annual opportunity to escape the real world and slip away to my little haven of peace.  I so enjoy reading of my Mystic friends now sending their daughters to experience our great love, and I hope they are enjoying it as much as we did.  I hope they cherish the experience and the friendships they develop, although I know the appreciation will not run as deep until they, too, are older and more removed from it.  I can't wait for Delaney to have the opportunity to go, and am thankful that the kind people at Mystic have accepted her as a future camper.  I long for her to have her own escapades, good and bad, and I hope that she loves it as much as I have and soaks in the experience and the life lessons along the way.

To my Mystic friends especially:  we may only keep up with each other via Facebook (thank goodness for that!), but know that you are part of my most special memories and I treasure having known each of you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

If I was smart and as well organized as I would like to think that I am, I would have video proof of what I'm about to tell you.  But, given that none of the words are related, it would be a bunch of video snippits, mostly of me talking in a high pitched voice in effort to elicit the verbal gold that Delaney has embarked upon sharing.

That's right, our child who didn't appear to want to talk for the longest time now says at least the following words (with her own precious toddler spin on the pronounciation):
No (of course)
Oh no
Thank You
Aubrey (friend at school)
Abby (friend at school)
Cheese (both for the food and to smile when camera is pointed in her direction.  Of course, now that I think about it, maybe it's the thought of the food that makes her smile when a camera is pointed in her direction)
Blueberry (this one came out of nowhere yesterday, when she repeated me saying it)

I'm sure that I'm forgetting several, but clearly, she's really taken off on this language thing.  This is one of my favorite stages because it's like she comes home each day with a new word.  It's no surprise or coincidence that the class she's in at school now is the "Parrots" class!  It's really an amazing developmental stage because at this point she understands so much of what we say and can follow all kinds of directions, knows people and things when we talk about them, but doesn't have the full language development to respond or even always repeat the words.  How frustrating it must be!  Of course, this is what leads to tantrums, which we've also seen quite a bit of recently.  We wait with anticipation about what the next words will be and will revel in the joy of each one of them as she finds her voice.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!


To all the dads out there, but especially to my DAD

 I am so lucky to have been given the opportunity to be raised by an amazing man, who has accomplished some pretty amazing feats in his life, not a small one of which was raising my brother and me.  At times, between losing his first wife and finding his second, he had to pull double duty of mother and father.  I can't even begin to imagine the challenges he faced during that time and so many others.  He is a phenomenal person on so many levels, and I am blessed to have shared my life with him.  I love you, Daddy, for the example you set, the confidence and work ethic you inspired, the independence you encouraged, the love you unconditionally provided, and so much more.  I am, no doubt, who I am because of you and I thank you for it (although not directly as often as I should).  The saying is true that good dads make great grandfathers.  The Royal kiddos adore their G-Daddy and wish you a wonderful Father's Day too!

And to my husband, who is my other favorite DAD---you are every bit the father I knew you would be before we began the adventure of having kids.  You amaze me daily in how fantastic you are with our kids, and I know they will learn so much from you as they grow.  I adore watching the way you interact with them, and the way they respond to the love you give.  Our kids are so fortunate to have you as a fine example of a father and husband.  Thank you for being my partner in this parenting business.  I am a lucky girl, indeed!  We love you!

Just a part of the Father's Day fun Mr. Royal got today from the Royal Munchkins.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Today's conversation, brought to you by Justus, requires a bit of a set up (yes, more than normal).

I've talked about our great sitters before, right?  Well, sometimes they come with added benefits.  Sometimes, when our kids spend enough time with them, we get to meet their friends and/or boyfriends.  We all know how awesome our girls are, so you know the companions are generally pretty great too!

I mean, look at this.  Here's a picture from Justus' 5th birthday party.  Shanon and Meagan (and Delaney)--totally obligated to come.  Jonathan--not so much.  What a great guy!  And he even picked out the gift for Justus--a transformer Darth Vader which he absolutely LOVES...and points out regularly that it came from Jonathan...and Meagan.  Sorry Meagan.  I think it's a guy thing.

Shanon, Delaney, Jonathan and Meagan

...wait, what's that?  Jonathan hanging out in the background at Justus' 4th birthday party!

and if I had more time and energy, I'm prettty sure I could put my hands on a picture of him from Delaney's baptism.

Needless to say, we think Jonathan is fantastic and loved having him around when Meagan was with us.  Justus adores him, and he kindly complied with about a million requests for sword fights and dragon battles.   Alas, Jonathan and Meagan decided to grow up and be big kids in big cities and have gone on.  We haven't seen them in a few months (which makes us really sad...hint, hint).  So, I love it when Justus brings them up in conversation and this one struck me as funny.

The other day, Justus was talking about friends in his class at school, and he mentioned a Jonathan.  To date, I was not familiar with a Jonathan in his class, so I asked him "Who's Jonathan?"  He said "No mommy, not that Jonathan.  Jonathan in my class."  I said, "Justus, I don't know any Jonathan in your class, that's what I"m asking."  He wasn't convinced that I wasn't following the conversation:  "Not Meagan's boyfriend Jonathan, Mommy.  6-year-old Jonathan."  Not what I was thinking, but ok.

Then silence for a few seconds (him, apparently in deep thought).

He chuckles to himself, and says "Silly Mommy. Meagan's boyfriend, Jonathan, can't be in Friendship.  He's too big."

Good point, Justus.  If only Jonathan were a little smaller.... Forget the fact that he's 20-something and has two engineering degrees and doesn't even live here anymore.  It's his size that's the problem.  I can see that.

Justus and Jonathan at the Junior League Fun Run in February.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Cell phone clean out: NYC edition

Short on time, long on pictures.  So, here's a cell phone clean out of pics from our NYC trip.  I took a ton with my camera, but at various points, apparently decided the phone was a better option (no doubt, for Facebook posting purposes).

Kidd LOVES him some Sky Mall.  We don't fly often, but when we do, he reads Sky Mall. 
Check out this little nugget.  The Gravity Defyer shoe. 
Really?  Who wants to walk around with a picture of a sperm on their feet?

Yep, that's me and Matt Lauer.  Flat Matt Lauer, but Matt Lauer nonetheless. 
We had a moment.  It was nice.

Top of the Rock.  One of my favorite places in NYC.

Top of the Rock looking down at St. Patrick's Cathedral. 
Just look at how HIGH we are!

...and they say everything is bigger in Texas?
That, my friends, is a FIVE POUND Gummy Bear at FAO Schwartz.

Favorite Bakery from Sex and the City.  Can't say I disagree. 
This particular cupcake was a Grand Central Special--Marble cupcake with buttercream frosting. YUMM!

When we got to The Met, Kidd immediately wanted to go to the Arms and Armor section.
Of course he did.

A lifesize R2D2 made out of LEGOs.
LEGO store in Rockefeller Center.
Justus is going to love this.

Picture from our seats at Evita.
News flash:  Ricky Martin is still hot and can still sing. 
The leading lady--not so much.

Our stop on the 6 train.  51st & Lexington Ave.
(Yep, that's one block away from the famous Marilyn Monroe subway breeze scene).

Nachos in NYC.  When you ask for beef, don't expect ground taco meat like we did.  It's sliced or shredded or whatever you want to call it.  I think different is the right word.  Still quite good though!

Great trip, fantastic memories.  Next time, we take the kids!  (maybe)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words: 5 going on 15

Yesterday morning Justus had come to our room for something,.  I was walking with him back to his room and was asking him how he slept, if he had any dreams, etc. and we talked.  Before I left him to get ready, I just said "I love you, Buddy," kissed him on the head, and touseled his hair a bit (as I often do). 

He replied, "Mommy, why do you say that all the time?" in his annoyed voice.

Ouch.  That one stung...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

While the parents are away....

...the monkees will play.....

Kidd and I took a long weekend trip to New York City (every time I say that in my head, I think of the Pace commercial from the 90' about good marketing!), and left the kids in the very capable hands of Ms. Shanon.  While pictures from our weekend are still to come, Shanon was nice enough to text me pics over the course of the weekend so we could see what the kiddos were up to while we were away.

Justus had his last t-ball game of the season.  No, I'm not the kind of parent that would normally leave town on the day of her kid's last game.  It was a make-up game from a rain out.  **Thanks to Tish for a few of these pics too.**


TROPHIES!!!                                                                    Justus with pal, Charlie

...played dress up...with Brother's shoes... (this girl and shoes...oh my!)

Had some pool time fun in the sun (note the earplugs!)....

and had a play date with some of our besties, the King kiddos--
Radley, Emmy, and Landry


All in all, I'm pretty sure they had as much fun as, if not more than, we did!  Looks like everyone is starting the summer off right.  Thanks Shanon (and Caitlyn) for loving our kiddos and keeping them while we were gone.  And, mostly for sending us pics so we could keep up with all the fun!