Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Oh, my boy.... Today you get a two-fer.  It's just been that kind of week.

As we are heading out the door to make it to church ON TIME for the first time in who knows how long, I notice Justus doing "The dance."  I asked him to go to the bathroom before we left because it's almost 30 minutes to our church when you factor in a quick stop for kolaches (which would not be quick if it involved a potty break).  He starts off toward his bathroom, and I asked him if he needed help with his belt.  He trails off in the distance: "No ma'am, I got it."  I stop and head back toward the kitchen, when I hear "...but, I need help with my pants."  Really?  I kind of thought when I asked about the belt, it all went together...

At T-Ball yesterday, Justus seemed unusally thirsty upon arrival.  I cautioned him to not drink too much because he may get sick.  He said "Ok, mommy" and complied.  He acted sluggish and achy the rest of the game and was definitely not having his best day.  In bed that night, he said, "Mommy, do you know why I wasn't feeling well as T-Ball today?"  I said, "No, why, buddy?"  "I drank too much water before I went to play. I got a water ache."  Aside from learning a new illness, I made a mental note to not put ideas into the 5 year olds head.  He will use it to justify lack of effort at any given point.  That, and he's apparently a hypochondriac.

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