Monday, April 30, 2012

The little moments...

So, I've been helping out with Justus' t-ball team.  I wouldn't jump straight to calling it "coaching" exactly, because that's what we have Sal and Ty for.  I really just make sure the little guys on 2nd base are paying enough attention to run to third when the ball is hit and then stay on 3rd and remind them to run home again when the ball is hit, but it's a lot of fun and I enjoy doing it and getting to know these adorable kiddos.  At our Tuesday game last week, Charlie's mom, Ashley, took this pic of Justus (#9) and me.

My initial reaction was "oh my gosh, what an awful picture of me (being from the rear and all)...[insert other negative self-analysis thoughts here]..."  By Thursday of last week, I was traveling for work
to the slightly less than tropical destination of Kingsville, Texas--I know, my work is glamorous, don't be jealous. As an unfortunate consequence, I missed one of Justus' T-Ball games.  In some moment Thursday night, I realized just how much I missed being at his game.  In the rush of day to day life, I sometimes feel like it is just another burden of getting here or there for something he only seems to get really excited about when getting on his uniform or having the snacks after the game.  But, in the absence of that and the solitude of a hotel room, looking for something else on my phone for work, I stumbled back upon this picture and realized how special that moment was. 

One blog I am hooked on is Momastery, and I don't get to read it as often as I would like, but she wrote one some time back that just resounds with me regularly.  It's called "2011 Lesson #2: Don't Carpe Diem".  In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the one I read that got me turned on to her blog.  I would love to just sit and read all her blog posts, but I just don't have the time to read all the ones I want, which is another post entirely.  Anyway, in this particular post, she talks about how the reward is often found in the reflection of the moment rather than in the moment itself.  She makes me feel better for not LOVING every. single. second of momming.  She has much more wit and eloquence to her words than I do, but that's the basic jist.  Read it.  You will go back for more.

Getting to the point---as I sat looking at that picture, in which I initially only focused on my poor appearance, I realized all of the blessings it reveals:  I have time to spend on a weekday evening, out at the t-ball fields with my family, rather than having to work.  I have a wonderfully healthy 5-year-old boy who loves to be active and really loves that when he gets to 3rd base, his mom is standing there to greet him, encourage him, and help him get home.  I live in a community that supports activities for young kids and has the facilities to make it happen.  I also have new friends, who are amazing people, that I have met because our son's play together, and I look forward to seeing them and their families at games as much as I look forward to going and watching our kids play. 

So, thank you, Ashley, for this reminder of so many of the wonderful things that are wrapped up in the regular everyday little moments of life.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

Oh, my boy.... Today you get a two-fer.  It's just been that kind of week.

As we are heading out the door to make it to church ON TIME for the first time in who knows how long, I notice Justus doing "The dance."  I asked him to go to the bathroom before we left because it's almost 30 minutes to our church when you factor in a quick stop for kolaches (which would not be quick if it involved a potty break).  He starts off toward his bathroom, and I asked him if he needed help with his belt.  He trails off in the distance: "No ma'am, I got it."  I stop and head back toward the kitchen, when I hear "...but, I need help with my pants."  Really?  I kind of thought when I asked about the belt, it all went together...

At T-Ball yesterday, Justus seemed unusally thirsty upon arrival.  I cautioned him to not drink too much because he may get sick.  He said "Ok, mommy" and complied.  He acted sluggish and achy the rest of the game and was definitely not having his best day.  In bed that night, he said, "Mommy, do you know why I wasn't feeling well as T-Ball today?"  I said, "No, why, buddy?"  "I drank too much water before I went to play. I got a water ache."  Aside from learning a new illness, I made a mental note to not put ideas into the 5 year olds head.  He will use it to justify lack of effort at any given point.  That, and he's apparently a hypochondriac.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just sittin' around...

The other day, I posted  a pic of Delaney sitting on Justus.

Apparently, it is her new favorite place to be...

Why? No idea.  I guess because he lets her.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

This one?  An attitude?  Never.

I assure you she has more sass in her left pinky finger than most grown ups I know have at all.  So, what does all this mean right now?

We are there-- That frustrating part of toddlerhood where a certain somebody has so much to say, but not enough words to say it.  Instead, we get tears and grunting and pointing.  LOTS of tears and grunting and pointing.  She's also exerting her *authority* by taking things away or not giving them back when requested.  She doesn't say "no," but there is no doubt when she's thinking it.

At this point, any words would be winning words because she wouldn't be so frustrated at trying to express herself.  Although I may regret it later, please pray that this little one finds her words quickly...but just the sweet ones.  K, thanks!  It would be best for everyone's sanity.

She has found one way to get what she wants:  Sit on them until they cave!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter festivities galore

It has been a crazy few days of Easter fun!  We are all pooped, but at least I have some pictures to share.  The kids had Easter egg hunts with their classes at school on Thursday, but I was not there to capture the precious moments....or battle over the eggs, as the case may be.  Friday, they were off of school and spent the morning at the park with dad and napped with me in the afternoon.  Well, the little one did, at least.  Saturday, we had all of my family and all of Kidd's family over for the Easter Egg-stravaganza at our club.  Crazy chaos, but fun too.  I wish I had gotten pics of more than just our kids, but everyone was all over the place!

I normally hate pictures that reflect the torturing of small children, but in this case it was so funny because Delaney would wave at the bunny from far off and even up close.  But, as soon as she got within 4 feet of him, she freaked out.  We thought if she could sit in Justus' lap, she would be ok.  And she almost was.  Almost.

Having hunted at school a few days earlier, she was starting to get the hang of it.

She's very big on encouragement.  For herself.

Justus did great in the 4-6 year old hunt.  It was a little more competitive this year.  Last year, he got one egg and was satisfied.  I think he has the basic idea now.

Exploring the winnings, in a spot of shade.

 Justus was very good about sitting for pictures.  Too bad his sister took off before we got this one.

Sunday morning, and look who again has no patience for pictures today.  Maybe she knew we were late for church.  Again.

Justus is so sweet.  He sees Delaney not cooperating, so he wants to act silly so as to be helpful. 
How nice of him, huh?

Too sweet.

I posted the better other pic separately, but I always love the before/after shot because it's so completely different from the happy, posed, attentive kids.  Love them just the same!

We had a great time with friends and family, and hope everyone else did too!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

16 months!

We haven't done an update on sweet Delaney since her birthday (that I recall), so I thought we should do a post on her to catch everyone up to speed.

Stats:  I'm not exactly sure, but at her 15-month check up, she was 22 lbs and 31 inches.  This comes out to her being in the 70th percentile for height and 39th for weight.  Looking at her, you would think that was backwards.  I'm just saying....the girl is packing a belly and a butt!  It does appear that milk does the body good, as she's no longer considered a shorty.

She has 4 teeth that are visible to the casual observer.  Actually, just the bottom 2 can really be seen when she smiles, but if you turn her upside down and tickle her a lot so she laughs, you can see that she has a third tooth on the front of the top row coming in and one on each side in the back has poked through.  So, we are technically at a grand total of 7 teeth.  Don't feel bad for her-- I assure you, it does not slow her down at meal time.

Skills:  She is on the verge of running.  Sometimes she takes off, as if to run, but gets tripped up a bit.  So, it's a work in progress.  She is a very fast walker though.  She has a good grasp on some important sign language words:  "More," "Please," and "Thank you."  As far as actual words: we have a few favorites "Hi,"  "Bye-Bye,"  "Uh-oh," (which totally counts when living with a toddler), "Puppa" for Puppy, "duh" for duck, "mama" which I think she really is trying to say "more" because the only time I hear it is when there is food out of her reach, "dada" and "du-dus" for Justus.  She knows several of the animal noises--dog and cow are her favorite.  She will try to climb just about anything, so we've learned.  Oh, and she's very organized and likes to clean up (Thank you, God, for this reward!).  If a drawer is even cracked open, she will go over and close it, and clap for her accomplishment.  She knows where to put her dirty diaper after we change and where her dirty clothes go.  Order and organization are good in her mind.  We'll reserve judgment on OCD tendencies a bit longer...

Loves:  Justus, of course.  Her new interest and a close second--SHOES!  Well, and food.  Still not one to play with a bunch of toys, she loves following her brother around.  Yesterday morning she walked right in our room and over to him, turned around, and plopped herself down right in his lap.  It was really cute.  She also has this new obsession with shoes.  If you know me, and the size shoe I wear (clearning throat, cough, 12, ahem), you would know that this presents a problem.  When I shoe shop, I don't really have the luxury of finding a great pair of cute shoes.  I basically ask the kind clerk to show me all the shoes in my size that they have in stock.  Once said clerk overcomes the visible shock and awe that people women actually wear that size, he or she usually brings out maybe 4-7 boxes and I might walk away with one.  On a good day.  From a store FULL of shoes.  So, this shoe craze, and it is nothing shy of a craze, has mommy a little nervous.  I will have to video our morning prep for you one day and post it because there is no adequate explanation for how much this kid loves her shoes (and how picky she is about which ones she will wear each day).  Food would be the other focus.  I swear, she knows when it is almost, but not yet quite, time to eat.  If she realizes I'm cooking, she starts crying and doesn't stop until the first bite of food hits her mouth.  Same can be said for going through a drive thru, as much as I hate to admit it.  She immediately starts making the sign for more, and will fuss until food is presented to her for consumption.  She's particularly fond of the carbs.  If you are around this one and have a piece of bread, watch out!  She also loves her friends at school.  Apparently, she and this other little girl, Kelly, are very close.  I was told yesterday that at nap time, they were two teenagers at a sleepover.  Oh. Lawd!  Already?  I'm glad she's social, as is Justus, but I'm afraid the "She's a sweet girl, but awfully chatty" note will be coming home from school sooner rather than later.  Not that I'm familiar with such a note.  Because I never got one like that.  Ever.

As has been the case for the last 16 months, she is the light of our world and just the most scrumptious thing ever.  I cannot get enough of her.  I told Kidd yesterday that I adore Justus and think he is so handsome and an amazing young man, but there is something about her--I just want to squeeze her because she's the cutest thing I've ever seen (no, I'm not at all biased)!  Perhaps it's because she doesn't really talk yet....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's Winning Words

I wish I had taperecorded it, because I just can't do it justice (no pun intended...or maybe it was...), but let me just say that a certain 5-year-old's recitation of the story of Jesus' crucifixion about brought me to tears.

I'm not sure if it's because he actually listened and got the story, or that hearing that innocent voice speak to the horror of Jesus being nailed to the cross and crowned with thorns was somehow painful in its own right...

Of course, the best part is when he tells of what happens a few days later:  "He's really ALIVE!" with the widest, most excited eyes you've ever seen. 

It's official--we are ready for Easter.